Does Virus = More Donald?

Now mariner is frightened. Chicken Little is apoplectic. Mariner learned today that States are beginning to push out primaries for months. The virus may keep a hoard of voters away from the polls in November; one politician suggested extending the election for a year!!! Mariner’s palsied and now frantic fingers can barely type.
It is classic Donald luck that a pandemic came along after he had defunded the department that handles pandemics. The pandemic is apolitical and Donald clearly doesn’t know what to do. Ironically, the virus comes at the end of his first term and may affect the election greatly in his favor. Mariner is speechless and on the verge of epileptic and catatonic failure.
Rick Wilson, a popular pundit on MSNBC, wrote a book titled, “Everything Trump Touches Dies.” It is true – his cohorts cast aside to serve jail time, government stalwarts and experts tossed out like garbage, and a nation falling to its knees. He wouldn’t be around except for his father’s money, the stealing of liquid assets from several of his corporations forcing bankruptcy, tax fraud, and collusion with several dictators all of whom are involved in oil.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is our saint, our example of salvation. Justice Ginsberg stays on the Supreme Court bench in spite of a health condition that would have sent most folks to the afterlife years ago. The electorate must emulate Saint Ginsberg. Keep the faith; keep the voter registration card at hand; stay alive to vote in November.
Mariner is going to the shop to make trellises.
Ancient Mariner


֎ It seems the democratic candidates are trying to keep the party truck on the highway. Joe should incorporate a clearly progressive objective into his platform to demonstrate his support for Bernie’s advocates and Bernie needs to cancel pejorative, personal assaults on Joe. Still, Bernie must stay in the race all the way to the democratic convention to keep the progressive bloc participating in the process to nomination. No citizen, democratic, independent, moderate, other than white, white, progressive or otherwise can miss or not feel part of the presidential election in November. Remember the wicked witch of the Electoral College.

֎ The tactics of the professional health experts appear to be making progress in managing the public regarding the coronavirus. The tactics seem fragmented but just may constitute a unified plan on different levels. The big challenge is to have enough tests available. Mariner’s fear is that Donald and Congress will pass blanket relief for the financially challenged but at the same time will give the oligarchs a windfall.

Coronavirus is dominating all news traffic at the moment which is appropriate. Sequester and quarantine may cause income damage but may provide a fresh focus on things. It may be a chance to do some face time with the family. Can the reader still name them all? Mariner’s wife suggested a self-managed job for high schoolers freed from attendance: babysit for families where younger children are home alone.

֎No NBA? No March Madness? No Indian Wells? No Tokyo Olympics? What’s a chair jock to do? Virus is one thing but this is going too far! Mariner already has overbuilt the Alaskan wilderness, botched all of Alton Brown’s recipes, remodeled over a hundred homes, memorized the history of England, listened to Morgan Freeman tell the story of God twice, won dozens of times on Family Feud and failed terribly at Jeopardy. What’s left? No, No – not cable news! Time to try ROKU.

Ancient Mariner


More Important than TrumpNews

֎ How would a quarantine actually work in the U.S.? It would be an utter mess. Part of the reason is that the federal government can’t just step in with a quarantine. America’s public-health system is split into 2,684 state, local, and tribal public-health departments, and each of them have jurisdiction over whether to impose quarantines if needed. [The Atlantic]

The U.S. economy has been something of a ticking time bomb for some time.

  • Growth has declined over the last two years despite higher government spending and a $23.4 trillion national debt.
  • The labor market has boomed, but many of the jobs added have been hourly service-industry positions that offer limited health insurance.
  • Brookings Institution reports that 44% of all U.S. workers earn barely enough to live on.

֎ As if corruption from the outside world isn’t enough, and Donald has spread a blanket of ‘executive privilege’ unheard of in history, and two billionaires ran for president at the same time, and a blatantly guilty president was found not guilty by the Senate, and money in significant sums flows into every Congressperson’s bucket on a daily basis – now Congress is making the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) a useless watchdog. OCE does not have subpoena power, so lawmakers have decided that not cooperating is the better approach. All OCE can do is request a visit and look at surface evidence but Congress simply ignores these requests.

Most if not all OCE requests have to do with misappropriation of campaign funds and illegal liaisons with private enterprise (e.g. Mar-a-Lago). As 44 percent of the population struggles to sustain a household, elected officials are accepting abundant cash. Is it any wonder none of them will vote for term limits?

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One needs to escape this disheveled world for the sake of sanity. This is so needed that mariner spent the entire day in his shop sorting large containers of junk – most of it brought from the farm 10 years ago. The day passed quietly with no thought beyond whether he wants to keep 37 brackets used to frame buildings.

Ancient Mariner


It’s Monday

The Monday morning gossip around the keyboard is speculating about Joe Biden’s VP, cabinet positions, etc. The most succinct list is produced from Axios:

“Joe Biden confidants are privately discussing potential leaders and Cabinet members for his White House, including the need to name a woman or African American — perhaps both — as vice president.

John Kerry would love to take a new Cabinet position. Mike Bloomberg would be a top possibility to head the World Bank.

Sally Yates, the deputy attorney general under Obama who stood up to Trump and was fired is a leading contender for attorney general. Sen. Elizabeth Warren as Treasury secretary.

Jamie Dimon — chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and mentioned over the years as a potential presidential candidate — would also be considered for Treasury.

Another possibility to head Treasury: Anne Finucane, vice chairman of Bank of America.

Behind the curtain: Campaign officials say the name game isn’t where Biden’s head is — he knows he has major primary and general-election fights ahead.

Officials point out they don’t yet have a transition — and haven’t run a process that would surface new talent, like Dr. Steven Chu, the Nobel Prize physicist who was Obama’s first secretary of energy.

It’s a sign of the sudden optimism around his candidacy that some in his circle of trust are starting to think down the road.”

It’s Monday morning and it will rain all day. No garden work today; mariner likely will stay in his workshop to make trellises for tomato plants.

As many families plan to do, mariner’s family is having a family get together this spring. This involves airline flights, interstate travel, old folks, children and dogs. The question for family gatherings is whether the virus will permit them.

In response to Ben’s speculation about the disappearance of Earth in the storm of the Sun’s death and therefore sustainability in the long run is not sustainable, Guru chimed in with his typical abstruse comment: There is no ultimate sustainability in the Universe. The Universe is the result of an explosion and, like explosions, will continue to dissipate that original energy until it is gone. This fact resides in all objects in space and in every living creature on Earth and elsewhere. There is no object or circumstance that does not dissipate energy from that original explosion.

First, however, humanity must make it to the twenty-second century. In the meantime, mariner is off to his shop to dissipate some energy making trellises.

Ancient Mariner


Back Page News

֎ Misinformation is the weapon of the future, Senator Mark Warner believes:

“I sometimes worry that maybe we’re fighting the last century’s wars when conflict in the 21st century is going to be a lot more around cyber misinformation and disinformation, where your dollar can go a long way.”

֎ A privacy law looking out for teenagers

Managing screen time, access to devices, kids’ online personas — it’s complicated, and not getting any easier. (Did you see Britney Spears’ son promising dirt on his mom’s career in exchange for more Instagram followers? A thoroughly 2020 story.)

There’s been legislation designed to protect children online, but by 13 kids are mostly treated like adults. But Senators Ed Markey and Richard Blumenthal want to bring new protections to anyone under 16:

The Senators’ Kids Internet Design and Safety Act argues that the internet “is largely designed in non-transparent ways to ensure children interact with content that reflect the interests and goals of content creators, platforms, and marketers.”

The bill, first introduced nearly a year ago, wants kid-focused services to do away with auto-playing video, influencer marketing, or any dark pattern design that keeps them engaged.

If the KIDS Act passed, it would force every platform with children on it — YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and so many others — to fundamentally change how they deal with young users. [By David Pierce, Protocol]

֎ The cost of higher education is ballooning. From 1978 to 2017, the Consumer Price Index grew fourfold, but the price of college increased 14-fold, according to research by Ana Hernández Kent, a policy analyst at the St. Louis Fed.

֎ Regular readers may remember mariner suggesting that job loss in the AI era may force individuals into self-managed work. According to the US Census Bureau, Americans are more entrepreneurial than ever before. There were 3.4 million applications to start businesses last year, a record number.

If the reader doesn’t subscribe to the New Yorker Magazine, mariner provides the cover of the latest issue:

Ancient Mariner


Increasingly, mariner sees the word ‘sustainability’ popping up in news releases and articles. This is a good sign. It is raising the political thought that classism, elitism, nationalism and identity politics don’t really solve the problems of today’s world.

Were it not for the presence of a global pandemic, failing international economies and global warming, the idea of sustainability may not have emerged so quickly. Thinking in the abstract, as Guru is wont to do, the world may not be able to support oligarchy much longer. The liquidity and business investment value is needed to assuage true hardship experienced by everyone else in the world.

Beyond economics, global warming and pandemics don’t recognize borders or class distinctions. The politics that must deal with these subjects requires sustainability – by everyone. Sustainability is a unification word; it means the solution is more important than individual nations, individual cultures, corporations or individual political movements.

For several decades nations have been trying to deal with global warming by any means that will work other than sustainability (none do). The prime example is the fossil fuel industry dodging sustainability at every turn because its investment value will diminish greatly as the world population insists on moving to more sustainable energy resources.

As to pandemics, if properly funded and given direction, science will slowly make progress in dealing with pandemics from the perspective of sustainable practices, economics and politics. For example, it is not a sustainable behavior when items like face masks suffer price gouging under the not-so-sustainable concept of supply and demand.

One can hope sooner than later that war and its destructive conclusions will be seen as a solution that does not support sustainability.

Sustainability is an updated word that no longer means just surviving on a homestead; it also means surviving on a planet. Perhaps finally the United Nations may come into its own as THE organization responsible for sustainability. Goodness knows it has been trying.

Ancient Mariner



Chicken Little stopped by today to bring to mariner’s attention a news item from National Public Radio (NPR). An excerpt follows:

“For the first time, scientists have used the gene-editing technique CRISPR to try to edit a gene while the DNA is still inside a person’s body.

The groundbreaking procedure involved injecting the microscopic gene-editing tool into the eye of a patient blinded by a rare genetic disorder, in hopes of enabling the volunteer to see. They hope to know within weeks whether the approach is working and, if so, to know within two or three months how much vision will be restored.”

“Don’t be fooled,” Chicken said. “There may be good intentions today but gene splicing in living humans opens the door to permanent slavery, super human football players, over-sexed men who will never need Cialis and a class of super smart people who will control everything.”

“Do you remember Matrix?” he said. “CRISPR is how they will prepare humans to live in caskets for organ donation and battery power. Or maybe CRISPR is how everyone was made identical in the book 1984.”

Mariner wishes his father knew about CRISPR; maybe it won’t take zillions of years to evolve a three-fingered hand.

Actually, the emergence of CRISPR gives one pause. It wouldn’t take much to breed humans who could live for two hundred years (Lord, who would want to?). Conversely, sperm and egg production could be stopped as a way to limit an over populated world. These are extreme ideas, though. How will CRISPR be used in the general population? Have a propensity for a disabling disease? Have it removed with CRISPR. Any deformity can be repaired or removed with a few gene modifications; bad allergies? Use CRISPR. Lose a limb? Grow a new one with CRISPR.

What concerns mariner is not the science but how it will be managed by governments. So far government isn’t controlling the use of data distribution and its effect on privacy. Government has no idea how to manage the age of artificial intelligence. Mariner is more anxious about today’s moral discipline than he is about the potential of CRISPR.

So, add CRISPR as a path to a new world – along with global warming, plutocracy, and tropical, disease carrying mosquitos moving up the coast from Florida because the weather is warmer. Mariner told Chicken Little not to worry about CRISPR, worry about normal people.

Ancient Mariner

These days it’s a new idea: unity

The shift to a focused democratic campaign over the last day or two has intensified the effort by voters who believe policy and fervor are the primary objectives to win the election in November. Now that there are two principle candidates, one policy oriented and the other not, one calm and the other cantankerous, it is easier for voters to merge personality, politics and purpose.

Since the campaign began, many have pondered whether the democratic party could unify itself in time for the campaign against Donald. Fortunately, the Citizen Board of Directors spoke on Super Tuesday and dismissed a billionaire and the worthy but diverse tagalongs who have good intentions but are distracted by policy as the primary reason to be nominated.

Bernie’s organization wasted no time in ramping up their activity: Mariner and his wife already have received email from private citizens and Bernie that Joe is no match for Donald and more importantly Joe does not have a platform for the future.

It is hard in this day of identity politics and populism but the democrats must try unity as a platform. Thus far in the campaign issues have been divided among progressives, moderates, millennials, Zs and old people. Always there has been only one issue: beat Donald.

Mariner mentioned in previous posts that the value of Joe is that he is like printer paper that hasn’t been printed on yet. Who dislikes clean paper? Joe is a unifier specifically because he is not a policy wonk. Everyone can vote for Joe with the confidence that he will not turn against any of the democratic visions.

What it will take to assure Donald is beaten is a massive, 100 percent turnout of democrats; none of the 20-odd democratic candidates can win without a giant turnout. Some democrats want to vote only for Bernie, or only for Elizabeth, or only for Pete, or only for Tom. This does not assure democratic victory in November. Everyone, even some republicans can and must vote for Joe – after all, he is blank paper.

Being blank paper but having all the executive powers Donald is abusing will allow the democratic vision to be installed in a comprehensive way. It is common knowledge that the Board of Directors is dissatisfied with the conflict and bickering between parties and the growing disparity between rich and poor. Plain Joe will fill positions in the cabinet with ideologues, advocates of the democratic experience, and over his tenure will promote democratic representation in state governments – without calling everyone by a diminutive nickname.

Finally, Joe will be in a position to push archaic, immoral Senate republicans out of office. Only after the Senate is overturned will the democratic ideologues be able to create a better nation.

Yes, mariner knows Joe is not exactly ambitious but anyone can vote for him without fear of reprisal – everyone will get a chance to type their own opinions on Joe’s blank page. Anyone can beat Donald with enough votes in spite of his incessant, belligerent narcissism.

Ancient Mariner


A has-been nation is on the horizon

First, a tidbit mariner learned about ‘deep state’ from an article in the Atlantic: A former Republican congressional aide named Mike Lofgren had introduced the phrase into the political bloodstream with an essay in 2014 and a book two years later. Lofgren meant the nexus of corporations, banks and defense contractors that had gained so much financial and political control—sources of Washington’s corruption. But conservatives at Breitbart News and Fox News redefined the term to mean internal resistance against conservative (Trumpian) leadership.

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A quote from Donald on November 23, 2017: “I’m The Only One That Matters.” Donald said Of State Department Job Vacancies.

Sixty percent of top-ranking diplomats in the State Department have left; applications to join the corps has fallen by half, according to the American Foreign Service Association.

Fifty top administrators in the Department of Justice have resigned.

More than 700 employees, and more than 200 of them scientists, have left the EPA since Trump took office and appointed Scott Pruitt, who denies human activity contributes to climate change and had repeatedly sued the agency, to run it.

Most of the electorate knows Donald would like to be a dictator along the lines of Putin where the government is genuinely authoritarian regardless of its government operations and embezzlement is the prize. Donald is a distasteful subject from any direction.

But the electorate must be made aware of how seriously vulnerable the United States has become in an age of internationalism that changes by the day. The sophistication of US government operations actually is a significant weapon in a world of battling nations. The US government is (was) the glue that held together most of the western world’s liaisons, international agreements and containment of aggressive nations like Russia and North Korea.

Donald has no interest in any subject that doesn’t generate personal income or aggrandizement. He doesn’t care about global warming because he is deeply invested in international oil to a greater extent than his war against the EPA – for which the entire nation will suffer dearly over the next thirty years. Another four years may well break the nation as a player among other nations. The US will be a has-been nation.

Ancient Mariner

A New Economic Model?

Thrice mariner has come across the mention of something called ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ (MMT). He began to research MMT and found it to be in the philosophical realm of economics. The word ‘theory’ means it hasn’t really been tried in large economies. To be simplistic, it states the government owns all money. It uses the money to manage the economy. For example, if everyone doesn’t have a job, the government allocates funds to repair that situation; if inflation begins to rise, the government raises taxes to reduce money in the economy; if there is a market need, the government underwrites the establishment of a solution to satisfy that market.

As a real world example, as mariner writes this post the federal government is preparing to fund rapid development of 5G technology to remain competitive in a new world of scary data sharing. In communist China, this is occurring as well except that it is easier to launch because all industries are beholden to the government in the first place. In the US, a democracy, it is tougher for the federal government to manage private industry, to wit, the giant data tech corporations, especially Facebook which considers its corporation a separate nation.

Again simply, economic power and decision making are transferred from corporations to the government because all money belongs to the government. If a corporation is deviant from government policy, the government can invoke taxes and legal action. MMT is the opposite of corporatism.

MMT has crept into news resources because journalists have been trying to unravel Bernie’s logic behind his vision of the economic future. Turns out he knows Stephanie Kelton, an economics professor at Stony Brook University, who is a famous proponent of Modern Monetary Theory in the US.

Mike Bloomberg’s cable education program about MMT suggests that since Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard, there is no good way to standardize a dollar’s value to the economy. MMT, in theory, says that if a government owns all money, then decisions can be made based on a universal market value determined by the government.

Being aware as everyone should be that the global economy is showing threadbare spots and wavering under any kind of issue, everyone should be asking “What will be the economic reality for my children?” Hah! Is everyone ready to go back to college? It should be free given the paucity of comprehension and leadership among our elected officials. One certainly needs more education to know how to run this democracy – television news isn’t the answer!

Ancient Mariner