Emolument Clause Grows Weaker

Mariner was depending heavily on the Emolument Clause in the Constitution to be the baseball bat that would make Donald sit up and make a decision whether he was a business man or the President of a Democratic Republic. Understanding that a lawsuit would be the mechanism (Congress isn’t functioning at the moment) and it would end up in the Supreme Court if Donald resisted making a choice, Mariner opined that it would be served the moment he put his hand on the doorknob of the White House on Inauguration Day.

Many political and legal experts are expressing doubts whether the clause applies. The clause specifically references “appointed officers.” Donald is not appointed; Donald is elected.

Several pundits have used the words of Jesus: You cannot serve two masters. Quite applicable in Donald’s case. Already he has made it clear that the United State is not a democratic republic; it is the latest acquisition of his Corporation and he is the Chairman of the Board and CEO. Since the election, Chicken Little has not ventured outside the henhouse; among the electorate, Chicken sees the directness of authoritarian government as a pleasant relief from slow and deliberate democracy. An autocratic King might be a productive change to those without foresight.

Mariner learned on a newscast weeks ago that there is evidence that shows Donald, Rex, and Vladimir have conferred about reversing sanctions against Russia so that Rex’s corporation, Exxon, is allowed to drill oil in Russia. Turns out Vladimir needs Exxon’s technology to retrieve oil from difficult terrain.

So who is Secretary of State? Rex. Who is Secretary of the Treasury? Mnuchin who worked for Goldman Sachs and made billions from the housing market collapse. Who is Secretary of Health and Human Services? Price. He worked in the Health industry before being elected to the House where he frequently purchases stock in health services corporations then writes legislation that benefits the corporation which runs up the stock – making a tidy profit for Price. Price is one of the most adamant enemies of the Affordable Care Act. If nothing else, government-managed health care will put a damper on his antics in the stock market.

It is only the mariner’s opinion – and a general statement – that Donald has roamed the world of business working primarily with shady financers, organized crime leaders and making deals where he can exit at some point with all the cash (the casinos, several construction projects and sideline businesses –two of which ended in lawsuits). When Asked about Donald early in the 2016 campaign, Colin Powell, usually an understated individual, said “Trump is a pariah in the world of business.”

Narcissistic, defectively egocentric, pathological liar, immoral – all these detract from a positive administration that will look after the nation’s best interest. What mariner fears most is Donald’s ability to ignore all ethical arguments save one: profit, profit, and profit. His trashy business practices and his less than noble cohorts don’t bode well for Mr. and Mrs. Citizen.

Too bad about the Emolument thing.

Ancient Mariner